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Eger Turisztikai Honlapja

Ködmön Csárda and Wine Restaurant


Webpage kodmoncsarda.hu
Email info@kodmoncsarda.hu
Phone +3636413172

In the almost 250 year-old Ködmön Csárda and Wine Restaurant having been created from a former wine cellar values of classical Hungarian cuisine are served: home-cooked Hungarian dishes, quality wines and high level gipsy music.

As a starter have Tartar beefsteak minced from fresh beef,  a ragout soup with sour cream and dill having the worthy name "boy-catcher soup". As for main courses, old favourites are made here, like chicken breast in bacon with gnocchi with ewe cheese, or flavoury pig's knuckle chops a la pékné, or  a nice catfish paprika with noodles, cottage cheese and bacon chips. You can have your meal also on the cosy terrace, sip exclusive wines of limited quantity and the flavour and experience will be unforgettable.

Gastronomic Tour - Focus on Egri Csillag white wine

Together with the Eger Wine Region, we have collected some of the city's best restaurants and wineries. Take your pick and go on a Gastronomic Tour in Eger! At the end of the adventure, we await you with a guaranteed gift!

This year we are focusing on the Egri Csillag (Star of Eger), the white sister of the Egri Bikavér (Bull’s Blood of Eger). This fresh dry wine is one of the favourites of the local people of Eger, and we see that  also in other parts of the world it is acquiring more and more fans. We want also you to get to know it. What is more, we want you to discover Eger's gastronomy through this wine - being it a vintage wine or a dish matching the Egri Csillag!

Ködmön Csárda and Wine Restaurant offers:

  • Viktória tavi fogas filé fokhagymás parajjal gomolyával grillezve, grill zöldségekkel (fish fillet with garlic spinach, grilled vegetables)

Try the offer or choose something else according to your taste! Click here for details of the Gastronomic Tour!

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