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Eger Turisztikai Honlapja

Lake Tisza


Webpage tiszataviokocentrum.hu

Distance from Eger: 40 km

Hungary's wildest lake, Lake Tisza, is located just 40 kilometers from Eger!


The 70-kilometer long bicycle path built around Lake Tisza is one of the safest areas in the country. The route can be completed at a leisurely pace, even for beginner cyclists. Along the way, a wonderful panorama unfolds in front of us, and thanks to the built-in rest areas, we can even have a picnic on the shore of the lake. If you don't have your own bike, you can choose from many rental places.


The Ecocenter in Poroszló primarily presents the native animals of Lake Tisza. A real family-friendly attraction that presents the natural treasures of Lake Tisza to visitors in a fun, modern, interactive way.

Travel options from Eger to Poroszló:

  Travel time Information
Auto ~ 30 minutes -
Coach ~ 1 hour volanbusz.hu
Train ~ 1 hour (with 1 transfer) mavcsoport.hu

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