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Eger Turisztikai Honlapja

Starwatch in Bükk

Starry-sky park in the Bükk Mountains

If you want to see the Milky-way, the galaxes, the star constellations with naked eye, it is worth visiting Bükk National Park, since this area is proud of having a silver grade starry-sky park title, which was awarded by IDA  (International Dark-Sky Association) an independent international organisation. It is an important achievement, because a very strict system of requirements must be met. Organised by Bükk National Park, the sights of the sky are regularly introduced to the public. There are star-watches and star- walks in the programmes. To further programmes: https://visiteger.com/programok

Star-watch in the Bükk Mountains

In case you would like to discover the wonders of the night sky, set off to one of the meadows near the road between Felsőtárkány and Lillafüred, since the light pollution of the nearby settlements does not disturb observing the starry sky. Barát-rét after Felsőtárkány or Hereg-rét a bit further along the road could be perfect for starwatch. They can only be approached by car, because coach transport is only to Felsőtárkány.

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