3 hits for this term: turkish memory

Turkish bath

Fancy a Hammam? The Turkish Bath in Eger is  a little time travel to the past: the oldest pool of the bath, the Turkish pool was built in 1610! The most special pool of the building is the Big Mirror  Pool the magic of which is given by the ornamented golden dome arching above it. Once it is e...


The legend of the Minaret of Eger It is the minaret having survived in the best condition in the country. The tower is 40 meters high and the balcony circling the terrace in on 26 meters high. Up there your breath will be taken by the view, however, it is also due - besides the fantastic panorama...

Ruins of Valide Sultana Bath

Turkish bathing culture - or choosing wife in a Turkish way Nowadays can only be seen the ruins of Valide Sultana hamam, but a contemporary Turkish travelogue says it used to be a really impressive building with a red dome, pleasant water.  The meaning of the name is: the Sultan's mother. ...