Wine terrace - Opening 2023

Abgelaufenes Datum

"We'll be there if it rains or if it blows"

On May 6, we will open our 2023 season on the Borterras!
Open doors welcome you from 4:00 p.m.!

Zsolt Marsi takes care of the fantastic grilled food, and Luca Gyuris and Gergő Pitlu take care of the atmosphere!

This year Feri Csutorás is preparing plenty of exciting stories and fabulous wines.

The hosts, Gergő and Patrik, who take you back to the first season of 2014.

Table reservation: +36 20 482 7602

Facebook event


Petőfi tér 2.

Tal der Schönen Frau


Türkisches Bad

Fürdő utca 3.

