XVIII. Szederinda International Folk Dance Festival

Дата истекла

Palócföld Meeting – XVIII. Szederinda Festival

In addition to domestic folk dance ensembles, foreign performers, concerts of folk musicians, folk song singers, and a folk art fair await visitors.

Friday, June 28, 2024, 6 p.m. -- Folk music concerts, Dance House, Folk Artists Fair

Saturday 29 June 2024 10.00-13.00 Folk dance presentations

                                      17.30 - Parade with the participants of the festival

                                      18.30 - Awards ceremony

                                      20.00 - Dance hall, All-day folk art fair

Sunday, June 30, 2024, 5:00 p.m. - Folk dance performances, Dance hall, All-day folk art fair

The organizers reserve the right to change the time and program!

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