Eger - Walks in space and time

Eger itself is history, but at the same time it is a sparkling, modern city, home to spas with medicinal water, the seat of an archbishop, the center of a wine region famous far and wide, and we could list the titles it has deservedly earned. This easy-to-turn pocket book will be a useful travel companion for everyone who visits the beautiful baroque city at the gates of Bükk, which exudes an inimitable atmosphere. The language is hungarian.

Price: 1 500 HUF

You can view and purchase the product in person at the 1552 Souvenirshop in Eger at Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Endre utca 9. It is also possible to order. We can provide additional information on the details and costs of mailing upon request.


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Phone +36 20 334 2649
Address H-3300 Eger, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Endre street 9.

Thermal Bath

Petőfi tér 2.



Turkish bath

Fürdő utca 3.


Castle of Eger

Vár 1.