Approaching Eger by train


Timetable and ticket purchase

Eger is easily approachable by train, tickets can be purchased even in advance, on the internet

Arriving from the direction of Budapest

Trains to Eger start from Keleti Pályaudvar railway station. The trains go directly to Eger in less than 2 hours, without changing. They run frequently, easy to use, tickets are available at the railway station or in advance on the internet.

Arriving from other directions of the country

When arriving at the town by train from another direction, it is necessary to change. Most often it is in Füzesabony town where there are direct trains from Eger. Journey time from Füzesabony is just 20 minutes to Eger.

Thermal Bath

Petőfi tér 2.



Turkish bath

Fürdő utca 3.


Castle of Eger

Vár 1.