Sebestyén Lantos Tinódi

The name of the famous poet, Sebestyén Tinódi Lantos, is closely conncted to Eger. It is thanks to hime that the fame of the town and of the victorious siege got spread. The news about his work got to Ferdinand Habsburg who was interested in recording the victory in literature as well, so he had it translated in Latin and seminated it all over Europe.

What was needed to write the lengthy work?  First of all Tinódi went to the spot right after the victory and thoroughly asked dozens of soldiers, even captain Dobó himself, having taken part in the siege. However, the hardest part was yet to come! The 115-stanza version of his poem Egri históriának summája (The summary of the History of Eger) is just an essence of the original poem Eger vár viadaláról való ének (A song about the Siege of Eger Castle) of 450 stanzas. The detailed elaboration and thoroughness of his work contributed to making the patriotism, persistence and testimony of the warriors of Eger known in the world.

Sebestyén Tinódi Lantos has still been singing and playing his lyre under the castle on the square named after him since 2002, the 450th anniversary of the victorious siege.

Thermal Bath

Petőfi tér 2.



Turkish bath

Fürdő utca 3.


Castle of Eger

Vár 1.