Géza Gárdonyi square

Most Gárdonyi-related relics can be found in Eger, the town has been proud of the writer up to now. Here can be found Gárdonyi's house, tomb and besides it you can walk in Gárdonyi street, you can visit Gárdonyi Grammar School and six Gárdonyi statues.   The latest one was inaugurated in 2014, which is a full-figure work depicting the author while piping (which was his favourite pastime), doing it on the square named after him. The statue is sitting on the square with the castle in the background and though being still "young", he has already been excellent topic for thousands of photos.


The fishmarket used to be on the site of the present Gárdonyi Géza square where locals could buy fresh frog-legs. Now it is an attachment to Dobó square, very popular at events.

360 panoramic picture

Border Castle Warriors' square

Végvári vitézek tere

Agria Park shopping mall

Törvényház utca 4.

Market hall

Katona István tér

Feast of the Eger Wine (Az Egri Bor Ünnepe)


Kossuth Lajos street

Kossuth Lajos utca

Cinema Agria

Törvényház utca 4.