43. Kaláka Festival

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The program of the 43rd Kaláka Festival


Thursday, June 22:

Eger, terrace of REGE Birtok:

18:00: Márta Sebestyén, Sebő ensemble, Kaláka concert

On the birthday of Sándor Weöres


Friday, June 23:

Eger, Érsekkert

14:00 - Sándor Bródy exhibition opening in the Library

15:00 - Musical walk with Kalaka in the Érsekkert, led by Rázsi Botond (free program)

17:00 - Folks

18:30 - Budapest Ragtime Band

20:00 - György Ferenczi and the 1st Pesti Rackák

22:00 - Platon Karataev


Saturday, June 24:

Eger, Érsekkert

Interactive program for children all morning from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m

Csupa Csoda Wandering Playground, Kádár Ferkó Phototheater, graphic exhibition

10:30 - Hot Jazz Band

11:45 - Vilmos Gryllus

13:00 – Márkus Theatre


Eger, Reformed church

15:00 - Ten parables (free program)

Contributors: Dániel Gryllus, Gábor Becze, Gábor Smidéliusz, Zsolt Huszák, Ádám Apáti, Zsolt Pintér


Eger, Érsekkert

17:00 - Canarro

18:30 - Kollár-Klemencz Chamber Orchestra

20:00 - Messy Band

22:00 - Hot Jazz Band


Sunday, June 25

Eger, Érsekkert

Interactive program for children all morning from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m

Csupa Csoda Wandering Playground, Kádár Ferkó Phototheater, graphic exhibition

10:30 - Szilvia Bognár and her band

11:45 - Kalaka

13:00 - Majorca Puppet Theater (or Kultúrpart: Message from the Earth)

17:00 - Nasip Kismet Band

18:30 - Golden Chord

20:00 - Kalaka

22:00 - Hobo


Accompanying program:

Handicrafts and artisans exhibition/fair, information exchange. The exact theme of the stock exchange is still being planned, it will be formed around the support of an environmentally conscious lifestyle, environmental protection and local values, with the cooperation of local NGOs, local producers, organic gardeners, the Bükki National Park, the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Károly Eszterházy Catholic University of Eger, and the Életfa Environmental Protection Association . Not just for adults.

The accompanying program will also be organized in the Érsekkert, next to the festival, participation is free.



Thermal Bath

Petőfi tér 2.



Turkish bath

Fürdő utca 3.


Castle of Eger

Vár 1.