Castle Wall Promenade

There is a nature trail with 10 stops on the panoramic promenade outside the castle walls

The promenade runs around the northern and western castle walls, for a total length of 384 m. The section connects the pedestrianized downtown with the Géza Gárdonyi Memorial House and the northern entrance to the Castle.

A wonderful panorama opens up from here, it's worth taking a walk!

Agria Park shopping mall

Törvényház utca 4.

Góra Kalwaria

Egri vár 1.

Tajemnicze głazy-ule

Nyerges hegy

Studnia Zsolnay

Törvényház utca 4.

Plac Gézy Gárdonyiego

Gárdonyi Géza tér

Plac Eszterházy

Eszterházy tér