Azahriah concert

Data wygasła

Kup bilety


Doors open: 19:00
Concert: 8:30 p.m
After party


Ticket info:

- Super Early Bird - HUF 3,990

- EarlyBird - HUF 4,490

- Advance purchase I. - HUF 4,990

- Prepayment II. - Soon...

Tickets will soon be sold ONLINE and in person!



This year, disguised in a new guise, after spectacular changes, we are waiting for you in the heart of the Szépasszonyvölgy:

Márai - Eger, Szépasszonyvölgy 35

More information coming soon…


Admission and we reserve the right to change the program!

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Petőfi tér 2.

Dolina Pięknej Pani


Łaźnia Turecka

Fürdő utca 3.

